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> 中華高協理事長致詞
> Message from GAROC
> 亞洲巡迴賽主席致詞
> Message by Asian Tour Chairman
> 大會執行長致詞
> Message from Chairman of Tournament
> 賽事行程表
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> 比賽執行委員會
> 配對賽章程及規則
> Pro-Am Tournament Conditions of Competition
> 競賽規則
> Tournament Rules & Conditions
> 獎金分配表
> 歷屆冠軍得主
> 觀賽須知
> Notice for Spectators
Pro-Am Tournament Conditions of Competition
1. Conditions of Competition:
a) Each team comprises of 1 professional and 3 amateurs.
b) Neither the Team Score nor the Individual Score will be counted for the prize awarding. Amateur golfers are requested to put individual name card into the lottery Box for participating in the Lucky Draw, which is to be held during the Welcome Party and Prize Presentation of Pro-Am Tournament.
c) Professional will start from the Blue Tee while man amateurs will start from the White Tee and Lady amateurs will start from the Red Tee.

2. Prizes:
a) Amateur golfers will join the lucky draw for gaining prizes.
b) The Lucky Draw will take place at Welcome Party and Prize Presentation of Pro-Am Tournament at 17:00 on October 4 (Wednesday).Those who fail to receive prizes in person are deemed waiving the right on obtaining prizes.
共18/1(筆/頁),目前在  [1]  頁
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