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Message from GAROC
Welcome Message from Mr. Fun-Ming Lo
President of The Golf Association of The Republic of China

We sincerely welcome players from all over the world and wish you all will have a remarkable performance and enjoy your stay at Sunrise Golf & Country Club for 2006 Taiwan Open.

This is the 42nd year since Taiwan Open has been set up and it has drawn more sponsors from enterprises, and now Taiwan Open is one of the stops of Asian Tour and has nurtured some distinguished amateur players.

2006 Taiwan Open has been made possible with the efforts of GAROC . It once faced to be stopped because of the economic recession and couldn't raise the money for the tournament. However, GAROC has tried very hard to make it happen in order to continue this long-run tournament and promote golf as a significant sport.

I wish all players may swing their extreme limits of performance at this high-standard Sunrise golf course.

Best wishes to Taiwan Open.
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